Mike Fries
Mike and Linda Fries moved from O’Fallon, Illinois to Timber Pines in 2019 and enjoy living here every moment of the day. Never a dull moment.
Due to a wrestling injury as a junior in Belleville East High School, Mike took up tennis the summer before his senior year. He tried out for the tennis team his senior year (1971) and made the team. To improve his tennis skills, Mike checked out a tennis instructional book from the library and followed the illustrations to learn how to play.
Mike’s first racquet was a wooden Kroydon from Kmart. Can you believe the Price $2.50 !!!
Mike’s favorite pro rivalry was Jimmy Connors vs John McEnroe. Jimmy Connors was from his hometown of Belleville, Illinois.
One of the challenges Mike encountered was trying to adapt his game to be successful when playing against all the different styles of players in Timber Pines
Mike and Linda met through their local tennis Club (St Clair Tennis Club). They enjoy anything outdoors with a racquet or a club (tennis, pickle ball, and golf). They also enjoy reading, walking, and hanging out with all the nice friends they have made in Timber Pines.
Mike played USTA for many years. At the age of 32 years old, he participated in one of the top 16 mixed doubles teams in the nation to play in the Equitable Insurance Challenge at the US Open. An unforgettable experience. He got to meet Pam Shriver and Dick Van Patton who hosted a dinner function. In addition, he met Chris Everett, John Lloyd and Gabriela Sabatini. Mike was fortunate enough to get to spend a week in New York City and play on the US Open courts with all expenses paid!! In addition to that, he got to watch some amazing tennis matches.
Currently Mike is Vice President of the TP Tennis Club and also was the Director of the TP Fall Classic 2022. Mike, with the help of his son Matthew, have taken the challenge of organizing all the details needed for the tournament.
Reporter Josephine Comments: When I first met Mike, my impression of him and his wife was “wow what enthusiastic people”! I was right with my first impression because they both have contributed so much of their time to the tennis club. I may be opinionated but Mike is one of the best tennis players in TP, and he also has a contagious smile and people enjoy being around him. Mike continuously coaches his wife who is a very good tennis player.
By Ace Reporter Josephine