Heidi Bailey started playing tennis at a very young age. There were only two tennis courts available for her to play in Boxford, Massachusetts. She would play with other kids or just go and hit the ball against the wall whenever she would get the chance. Heidi didn't play in high school. Tennis conflicted with another fall activity in which she was a 4-year field hockey player. Heidi played a little tennis in the Army, but again tennis conflicted with her traveling softball team at her station USMA, West Point NY.
In 1983, Heidi got married and moved to Florida. She started playing tennis again for the “Naples Bath and Tennis Club” for several years. She then took about 15years off from many sport activities. When Heidi moved to Timber Pines in 2019, one evening, she went to the swimming pool where she met and started a conversation with Terry Suchanek. Terry invited Heidi to play with her tennis group. The rest is history. She is so grateful to be living in this very active community where she has made many good friends.
Heidi’s other interests include golf, cooking, massaging, listening to jazz music, hosting unique parties, and of course hanging out with Dave. Dave Carr and Heidi were stationed together at West Point but lost touch for 30+ years. Eventually they got in touch through the Military Police Facebook page over seven years ago and have been together ever since.
Josephine’s Note: Although Heidi is a fierce competitor on the tennis courts and has won in several tennis tournaments, she is the nicest person you would love to know and is a pleasure to hang out with.
= By Ace Reporter Josephine